
I consult for government and nonprofit agencies in the human service, justice and public health sectors.

I develop information system strategies, facilitate their implementation, and design data architecture to undergird them.

Strategic Planning for Information Systems

Every public service organization needs a clear vision and a comprehensive long-term plan for collecting, organizing and utilizing data. Its information systems should generate meaningful analytical data while also streamlining day-to-day operations. And they should be flexible and durable enough to satisfy emerging needs as the organization’s work evolves.

I help organizational leaders plan for information systems that will support decision-making at both the macro- and micro-levels, both today and tomorrow.

System Design & Procurement

Acquiring an information system is a complex process. Success depends on clearly articulating requirements, making a well-considered decision to buy or build, and skillfully organizing the implementation.

I help organizations navigate this complexity. I frame and analyze alternatives, lead information system design projects, and advise on procurement decisions.

Data Modeling

The foundation of an information system is its data model. It must be a good representation of the organization’s work and environment. Research has shown that the impact of data modeling on the quality and success of an information system is greater than any other phase of software development.

I design data models that lay clear, strong, and flexible foundations for information systems.

Data Governance

High quality decisions depend on high quality information. Public service organizations need to ensure that their data is meaningful, accurate and complete. An effective infrastructure for governing data includes explicit stewardship roles and communication channels, clear data definitions, and well-structured taxonomies.

I help organizations build teams, tools, and processes that define, create and maintain high quality data.